1 General
1.1 Scope
These General Terms of Use apply in the version valid at the time of the conclusion of the contract for all contractual relationships between us of ento-connect GmbH, Industriestrasse 14, 41460 Neuss, Germany and you. Should you use any contrary clauses, these are with this expressly contradicted.
1.2 Contractual agreement
The contract language is English.
1.3 Registration or social media login (free user contract)
1.3.1 General
To use the full scope of our platform, it is first necessary to create an account. Here you can decide whether to register with your e-mail address or use your existing social media account on Google or LinkedIn for registration.
1.3.2 Login with Google
You can log in via your existing Google account. To do this, click on the button “Login with Google”. This will redirect you to www.accounts.google.com (operated by Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland). There you enter your Google account data and click on “Login”. Google’s privacy policy and terms of use apply to the use of Google services.
1.3.3 Login with LinkedIn
If you prefer to log in via LinkedIn, you can also log in via your existing LinkedIn account. To do this, click on the button “Login with LinkedIn”. This will redirect you to https://www.linkedin.com (operated by LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland). There you enter your LinkedIn account data and click on “Login”. The privacy policy and terms of use of LinkedIn apply to the use of LinkedIn services.
1.3.4 Registration
Alternatively, you can also register with your e-mail address. In this case, the data required for providing services by us will be requested. The entries are confirmed by clicking on the “Register” button. You will then receive a confirmation e-mail with the information required for login. Only when you activate the confirmation link in the e-mail, the registration is completed.
1.3.5 Password and profile
You enter a free user contract with us by logging in or registering. The password that allows you to access the personal area is strictly confidential and may not be disclosed to third parties under any circumstances. You have to take appropriate and reasonable measures to prevent third parties from obtaining knowledge of your password. An account cannot be transferred to other users or other third parties. We are not liable for any damage caused by misuse of the password. You are also obliged to keep the content and profile details you have posted up to date at all times and to inform us immediately of any misuse of your profile.
1.3.6 Term and termination
The free user contract is concluded for an indefinite period of time. It begins with the activation of your account and can be terminated by you at any time by deleting your profile via the usual account deletion routine or by giving notice to us in text form. With the termination of the free user contract, the profiles and contents assigned to the account will also be deleted.
The right to terminate without notice for a good cause remains unaffected. Good cause shall be deemed to exist in particular if
- you have provided incorrect or incomplete information when concluding the contract,
- you repeatedly violate other contractual obligations and do not cease the violation even after being requested to do so by us.
1.4 Subsequent amendment of the General Terms of Use
We are entitled to make subsequent amendments and additions to the General Terms of Use with existing contractual relationships, insofar as changes in legislation or case law make this necessary or other circumstances lead to the contractual equivalence relationship being disturbed to a more than insignificant extent. A subsequent amendment to the General Terms of Use shall become effective if you do not object within six weeks after notification of the amendment. At the beginning of the period, we will expressly draw your attention to the effect of your silence as acceptance of the contractual amendment and allow you to make an express declaration during the period. If you object within the time limit, both we and you may terminate the contractual relationship without notice, unless we allow the contractual relationship to continue under the old General Terms of Use.
2. Description of services
2.1 General
Our platform “ento-connect” offers you a global social network focusing on the insect industry. Here you can, among other things, connect and exchange information with other users, create events, post articles in our forum and exchange information with other users or simply inform yourself within the network or on our blog. We only provide you with the technical interface, but we do not become a contractual partner if you conclude contracts with other users via our platform or if you are in an exchange with them.
2.2 Performance
We are entitled to have the contract or parts of the contract performed by third parties.
2.3 Time of performance
Unless expressly agreed otherwise, we shall provide the service immediately after registering or logging in by activating your account.
2.4 Right of retention
You are only entitled to assert a right of retention for counterclaims that are due and based on the same legal relationship as your obligation.
3 Your responsibility
3.1 General
You are solely responsible for the content of your contributions / entries or your profile. The content may not violate any applicable laws or these General Terms of Use. You also undertake not to transmit any data whose content violates the rights of third parties (e.g. personal rights, rights to a name, trademark rights, copyrights, etc.). In particular, contributions, entries or profiles with illegal content may not be published or untrue facts asserted.
3.2 Indemnification
You indemnify us against all claims asserted against us by third parties due to such violations. This also includes the reimbursement of costs of necessary legal representation.
3.3 Data backup
You are jointly responsible for backing up the information sent. We cannot be held responsible for the loss of your transmitted information, as we do not provide a general data backup guarantee.
3.4 Mandatory information for profiles
You are responsible for ensuring that you comply with and adequately provide any mandatory information that may be required for your profiles (in particular the Legal Notice obligation and Privacy Policy), insofar as this is relevant for you. We merely provide the platform for your presentation and contacting other users.
3.5 Abusive contributions or entries or content
We may editorially review submitted contributions or entries or contents for their admissibility. We will deactivate or delete abusive content, contributions or entries without prior notice. Such content / contributions / entries are given, for example, in the following cases:
- false and/or incorrect information,
- for sending spam,
- to send and store offensive, obscene, threatening, insulting or otherwise infringing content,
- to send and store viruses, worms, trojans and malicious computer codes, files, scripts, agents or programs,
- to upload programs that are likely to disrupt, impair or prevent operation,
- with the attempt to gain unauthorized access to our service or to individual modules, systems or applications or to grant such access to third parties,
- content glorifying violence, pornographic or otherwise offensive or punishable/illegal content.
We reserve the right to block or delete your account in case of recurring violations. The extraordinary termination remains unaffected.
4. Use of content
By placing content in the database, you grant us the right to use this content for an unlimited period of time to place and make it available in the database and for retrieval and storage by third parties, in particular to store, reproduce, make available, transmit, link and publish the content. This may also be done by or in the form of advertising material (in particular, linking on social networks, use for commercials, use for our own website or in printed form, etc.) by third parties or by us. In this case, the author explicitly waives his right to be named. Furthermore, we receive the right to rework the content, especially if it does not meet the above requirements of these conditions.
5 Usability of the services
5.1 Further development of the service / availability
We make every effort to adapt our services to current technical developments. We therefore reserve the right to make changes to the agreed services, insofar as such changes do not affect the core services and are reasonable for the contractual partner, taking into account the interests of the contractual partner. We are also entitled to interrupt the platform operation wholly or partially within reasonable limits to update and maintenance. In this respect, we do not guarantee the availability of the offered services at any time and do not warrant that the provided services or parts thereof will be made available and can be used from any location.
5.2 Technical requirements
The use of the platform requires appropriate compatible devices. It is your responsibility to put or keep the device in a condition that allows the use of the platform services (e.g. functional internet access).
6 Liability
6.1 Exclusion of liability
We as well as our legal representatives and vicarious agents are only liable for intent or gross negligence. Insofar as essential contractual obligations (i.e. obligations whose compliance is of particular importance for the achievement of the purpose of the contract) are affected, we shall also be liable for slight negligence. In this case, liability shall be limited to the foreseeable damage typical for the contract. To entrepreneurs, we shall be liable in the event of a grossly negligent breach of non-essential contractual obligations only to the extent of the foreseeable damage typical for the contract.
6.2 Reservation of Liability
The above exclusion of liability does not apply to liability for damages arising from life, limb or health injury. The provisions of the Product Liability Act shall also remain unaffected by this exclusion of liability.
6.3 Data backup
We carry out adequate data backups as part of the service provision, but do not provide a general data backup guarantee for the data you transmit. You are also responsible for regularly creating appropriate data backups to prevent data loss. We will exercise reasonable care in providing the agreed service and will provide the data backup with the necessary expertise. However, we do not warrant that the stored content or data you access will not be accidentally damaged, corrupted, lost or partially removed.
6.4 Liability for content
As the platform operator, we are not liable for incorrect information users provide in their posts, entries or profiles. A review of the content posted on our platform (especially regarding the violation of third party rights) does not occur. However, should we become aware of incorrect, inaccurate, misleading or unlawful information, we will immediately review and, if necessary, remove it. We also do not guarantee the accuracy, actuality, completeness, quality or legality of content that does not originate from us. We merely make our platform available to you.
7. Final provisions
7.1 Place of jurisdiction
Our registered office is agreed as the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all legal disputes arising from this contract, provided that you are a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law.
7.2 Choice of Law
Unless mandatory statutory provisions under your home law conflict with this, German law shall be deemed agreed to the exclusion of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.
7.3 Consumer Dispute Resolution
The EU Commission has created an Internet platform for the online resolution of disputes concerning contractual obligations arising from online contracts (OS platform). You can access the ODR platform at the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. We are unwilling and not obliged to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.
7.4 Severability clause
The invalidity of individual provisions shall not affect the validity of the remaining General Terms of Use.